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Kilden's annual conference

Kilden's annual conference brings together academics, civil society and policy makers concerned with gender issues.

Kilden's annual conference is organized every autumn, free of charge and open for all, physically and online. At the conference, scientists, experts, policy makers and civil society organisations are invited to discuss current issues related to gender and equality. The presentations are in Norwegian and Scandinavian languages.

Kilden's annual conference 2024 is scheduled on 7 November at the National Library in Oslo. The topic of this year's conference is women's history. Read more about it and register here (in Norwegian only).

Previous annual conferences

Kilden's annual conference 2024: Do we still need women's history?

At Kilden's annual conference in 2024, we wanted to engage researchers and our audience to reflect upon and discuss the development, significance and political potential of women's history in our time – half a century after the first women's historians started their work. We challenged four researchers to give short lectures on women's history from ancient Egypt up to the feminist rebellion of the 1970s.

Program Kilden's annual conference 2024 (in Norwegian).

Kilden's annual conference 2023: Why do we need gender research?

Kilden was established by the Research Council of Norway in 1998. Kilden's 25th anniversary was celebrated by inviting scientists, journalists, civil society actors, and a representative of Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations to discuss how gender research provides useful knowledge for society, why there are such strong opinions about gender research, and how gender research is communicated in the media. The conference was followed by a birthday party with congratulatory speeches and entertainment.

Program Kilden's annual conference 2023 (in Norwegian).

Kilden's annual conference 2022: Gender Equality for the Future 

In 2022, Kilden celebrated the ten-year anniversary of the launch of two important Norwegian Official Reports by the Gender Equality Committee (2010 – 2012). The two reports, Structure for Gender Equality (2011) and Policies for Gender Equality (2012) sparked the public debates about gender equality issues in Norway. In collaboration with CORE - Centre for Research on Gender Equality, Kilden's annual conference analyzed and discussed current gender equality policies in Norway and future challenges.

The keynote by CORE Director Mari Teigen and selected presentations by researchers were recorded and published in the video series Gender Equality for the Future (in Norwegian). 

Program Kilden's annual conference 2022 (in Norwegian).

Kilden's annual conference 2021: Gender Equality and the Green Transition

Kildens' first annual conference was organized in 2021, at a time when few had discussed the green transition from a gender equality perspective. With the annual conference, Kilden put this question on the public agenda. Based on the research papers and debates at the conference, Kilden subsequently produced two policy briefs which are translated into English: Gender equality and nature management and Gender equality and the green transition of the labour market

Program Kilden's annual conference 2021 (in Norwegian).

News Magazine

Our news magazine is an independent online newspaper and a member of the Norwegian Specialised Press Association Fagpressen.