Faith and religion
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French women had more power in the Middle Ages than after the revolution
The Middle Ages were not all about tyrannical rulers and power struggles. Cooperation, compromise, and women in power were also common, according to a historian at the University of Oslo.

Women in the parables were not just props
Even Martin Luther was more concerned with female characters in the parables than modern researchers have been, according to Ellen Aasland Reinertsen. In her doctoral thesis, she focuses on the Bible's marginalised virgins and slave women.

When the state apologises, history must be rewritten
When victims of state abuse achieve recognition, the identity of the entire people will change, according to Eirik Vatnøy. He has analysed the rhetoric of an Irish rights campaign for women detained in Catholic laundries.

Master prize awarded to thesis on gender and cohabitation within the Pentecostal church
Sandra Hansen has won the prize for the best MA thesis with a gender perspective submitted at the University of Oslo in 2022.

Arabic women’s football: supported by the regime, but still breaking social norms

“Of course Muslim feminists exist”

Religious minority youth between patriarchy and gender equality

Our image of ISIS women is incomplete

Justifying gender equality through Islam

Gender-equality ideals make Muslim women more religious

New gender ideals in Egypt

“Norwegian authorities fail Muslim women”

Religious freedom more important than women’s rights

Young men pressured from all sides

Onward Christian soldiers
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