Welfare state
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AI is trained using old, gender-conservative data
However, in a recent report on artificial intelligence in the public sector, only three per cent of the participants believe that new technology increases the risk of discrimination. The lack of awareness is alarming, says one of the authors.

Immigrants embrace the Norwegian father’s quota
Men from Central and Southern Europe like the fact that the father’s quota is already negotiated and indisputable.

Helga Hernes - The mother of state feminism and gender quotas
State feminism. Gender quotas. Women’s research. Nobody can say that political scientist and gender equality strategist Helga Hernes (77) hasn’t left any traces behind.

Happy despite work-family conflict
Notwithstanding the welfare state, employed mothers in Scandinavia experience just as much conflict between work and family life as mothers in Southern Europe, but the Scandinavian mothers are happier.

Dreams of a welfare state
Women in Southern Europe wish they could live under a Nordic-style welfare state so they could improve their lives as women. But the financial crisis has made their dreams less realistic than ever. This is according to John Eriksen, a researcher at the Norwegian Social Research Institute and the co-editor of a new book on women’s lives in Europe.

Gender equality politics cause problems when minority families meet the Child Welfare Services
Parents with minority background are perceived as second-rate parents compared to the Child Welfare Service's ideals regarding Norwegian gender equality.

Why Norwegian birth rates are higher than in the rest of Europe
The Norwegian birth rate is higher than in the rest of Europe not only because they put their faith in the welfare state. They can’t imagine a good life without children.

The Child Welfare Service prefers mum to dad
If mummy is an addict or suffers from psychological dysfunctions, the Norwegian Child Welfare Service takes extensive measures. If daddy has similar problems, he is asked to leave his family.
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