About the Research School
The Research School is led by two leaders. In 2025-2027, Professor Elisabeth Lund Engebretsen at the Centre for Gender Studies at The University of Stavanger, is the leader and Professor Randi Gressgård at The Centre for Women's and Gender Research at the University of Bergen is the deputy leader.
The leadership positions are held for two years at a time in accordance with the Research School’s regulations.
The following institutions are members of the National Research School in Gender Research:
- The University of Agder
- The University of Bergen
- Nord University
- The University of Oslo
- The University of Stavanger
- UiT – The Arctic University of Norway
The purpose of the research school is:
- to offer courses for PhD students within the field of interdisciplinary gender studies and other PhD students whose research includes a gender perspective;
- to create a community for students and graduates who focus their research on gender;
- to strengthen national collaboration;
- to accumulate funds and resources to strengthen international collaboration;
- to contribute to maintaining and developing a Nordic research school specializing in gender research.
Target audience
Interdisciplinary gender research is an established field of research that is rapidly growing. There are two groups of students who benefit from this kind of a research school: those doing interdisciplinary PhDs with a focus on gender theory, and those who use a gender perspective in their research within a different discipline. Collaboration on the national level is important for building and developing a strong and inclusive community of gender researchers.
The two-year plan
In the period of 2025-2027 the Research School is directed by The University of Stavanger and the University of Bergen.
The academic leader is responsible for creating and hosting a general course every other year in addition to an event held for PhD students annually.
The academic leader also coordinates the information about PhD courses hosted by other institutions. The courses can be hosted in collaboration between different institutions, for instance, other research schools in gender studies.
The Research School seeks financing externally and from our own member institutions.
Each member institution pays an annual fee of 20,000/10,000 NOK to the institution that is in charge.
More about:
The National Research School in Gender Research
Previous research schools
In 1997 the Centres of Women and Gender Research at UiO, UiB, UiT and NTNU started collaborating on organising national PhD courses that focused on gender research. The courses were hosted in 1998, 1999, and 2001 (Vatnahalsen-kursene) and they were well received.
Later this research education was integrated into the Nordic Research School in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, financed by NorFa, now known as NordForsk, in 2004-2008. The Norwegian centres have participated in this work as co-hosts and consultants. The Research School aims to continue the Nordic collaboration concerning research education.
From 2017-2019 the Research School was led by the University of Bergen, from 2014-2016 it was led by the University of Oslo and from 2011-2013 it was led by NTNU.
Previous boards
Until 2020 the Research School had a board which no longer exist. The leaders of the school will continue their collaboration with Nasjonalt fagorgan for kjønnsforskning.
The list below provides an overview of the previous boards.
The board of 2017-2019
Elisabeth Engebretsen
Associate professor, University of Stavanger
Kari Jegerstedt
Associate professor, Centre for Women’s and Gender Research, University of Bergen, Academic leader
Ann-Torill Tørrisplass
PhD student and representative, Nord University
Astri Dankertsen
Associate professor, Faculty of social science, Nord University
Katrin Losleben
Professor, Centre for Women’s and Gender Research, Arctic University of Norway
Unni Langaas
Professor, Institute of Nordic and Media studies, University of Agder
Nina Lykke
Professor Emerita, Linköping University
Guro Kristiansen
Professor, Institute for Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies, NTNU
Helene Aarseth
Professor, Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Research, University of Oslo
The board of 2014-2016
Harriet Bjerrum Nielsen
Professor, Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Research, University of Oslo (2015-2016)
Kari Jegerstedt
Associate professor, Centre for Women’s and Gender Research, University of Bergen
Merete Lie
Professor, Centre for Women’s and Gender Research, NTNU
Ann Therese Lotherington
Center leader, KVINNFORSK, University of Tromsø
Yan Zhao
Associate professor, Faculty of Social Science, Nord University
Janne S. Drangsholt
Associate professor, Institute for Cultural and Linguistics, University of Stavanger
Drangsholt also represents University of Agder
Gilda Seddighi
PhD student, Centre for Women’s and Gender Research, University of Bergen
Nina Lykke
Professor, Linköping University
Representative for InterGender
The board of 2011-2013
Siri Gerrard
Professor, KVINNFORSK, University of Tromsø
Merete Lie
Professor, Centre for Gender research, NTNU
Marianne Inez Lien
PhD student and representative for PhD-students, and University of Agder and University of Stavanger
Ellen Mortensen
Professor, Centre for Women’s and Gender Research, University of Bergen
Linda Sjåfjell
PhD student, Nord University
Nina Lykke
Professor, Linköping University
Nordic representative