The National Research School organizes a general course in gender research with teachers from the different centres for gender research in Norway. Every year, the Research School also organizes a gathering for PhD candidates.
In addition, the Research School hosts various workshops. The Research School also keeps all the Nordic universities informed about all the local PhD-courses focusing on gender.
The participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the methodological aspects of gender research, reflect on these and use them in their own theses. In addition, the participants meet other PhD students in gender research, and can exchange research-related experiences, as well as build useful networks for the future.
Gathering for PhD candidates
On Wednesday 4 June, the Research School invites to a gathering for PhD candidates ahead of the conference Gender Research NOW! (5–6 June), at The University of Oslo.
PhD candidates will have the opportunity to present their work, discuss it with each other, and network with other researchers.
We welcome all PhD candidates within gender and sexuality studies and adjacent fields to submit abstracts (300-500 words) outlining specific theoretical and/or methodological issues relating to their projects.
Read the full invitation here.
Deadline for abstracts and registration is 10 March. Please use this link: Registration form
General Course 2025
More information will follow.
In addition to the General Course the Research School offers various workshops about writing, publishing and other topics relevant for young academics.
Local courses
The various Nordic universities offer other PhD courses that are not organised by the Research School which are also available for PhD studentss. The courses are mainly about feminist theory, gender studies and feminist research methods and includes specific themes within gender research.
The UiS Queer Research Group at The University of Stavanger is organizing several seminars where researchers based at Norwegian universities are presenting their exciting, ongoing projects. If you are interested in queer research you can sign up for news about these activities. Read more here. A Norwegian language website can be found here.