Previous courses
General Course
The general course was arranged 11-13 September at NTNU, Trondheim.
This PhD course focused on intersectionality as a concept, theory and methodology in gender studies. It dealt with questions about how inequality-creating social differentiations such as gender, class, ethnicity, race, sexuality are mutually constituent. Based on their own PhD projects, the participants could include the intersectionality perspective as an analytical strategy in the form of fellow-driven workshops supported by teachers. The format of the course mainly consisted of workshops with two 30-minute lectures.
General Course
Time and place:
Autumn 2023, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø
Assembly for PhD candidates
The Norwegian school for gender research hosts every year an assembly for PhD canidates.
Time and place:
31 May, University of Stavanger, in connection to the conference Gender Studies Now.
More about:
The National Research School in Gender Research
Ask the Editors: What (Not) To Do to Get Published in a Feminist Academic Journal
Time and place:
8 November, University of Bergen
Gender, Justice and Environment
Feminist perspectives on gender and justice in times of environmental crises
Organized by Redi Koobak and Kari Jegerstedt at the Centre for Women's and Gender Research, University of Bergen
Time and place:
Summer 2022, University of Bergen as a part of Bergen Summer Research School
PhD Level Course on Gender, Peace and Conflict
Organized by The Research School on Peace and Conflict, PRIO
Time and place:
23-24 May 2022, Oslo
General Course 2021
The PhD course “Evoking Gender, Evoking Change” was organised by the Research School leaders in collaboration with all the centres for gender research in Norway.
Check out the course webpage at for registration.
Time and place:
24-26 November, UiT – the Arctic University of Norway, online.
Topics in Interdisciplinary Queer Studies: Autoethnography. Organized by The UiS Queer Research Group at The University of Stavanger.
Time and place:
17-19 November, The University of Stavanger.
In affiliation with the conference Kjønnsforskning NÅ! the Research School hosted a PhD gathering. Read more about the workshop here.
Time and place:
26 May on Zoom.
The Centre for Women’s and Gender Research at the University of Bergen invited to a PhD course called Technologies are Us: Feminist Perspectives on Posthuman Futures. This course was also held online at the same time.
Time and place:
23-25 September, Bergen, Norway, or online.
The National Research School in Gender Research invited to a PhD meeting held in relation to the conference Kjønnsforskning NÅ! (Gender Research NOW!) in november.
Time and place:
15-16 November at the Centre for Women's and Gender Research at UiT – the Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø.
More information about the course (pdf)
The Centre for Women's and Gender Research at UiT The Arctic University of Norway arranges every other year this PhD course.
(In Norwegian called Fornemmelse for kjønn)
Course instructors:
Katrin Losleben, Malin Rönnblom and Deatra Walsh.
Time and place:
11-13 November 2019, Tromsø, Norway
General course 2018: New perspectives on intersectionality in gender reserach.
Course leader:
Kari Jegerstedt, Centre for Women’s and Gender Research (SKOK) at the University of Bergen and the board of the National Research School
Time and place:
10-12 December 2018, at Solstrand Hotell og Bad, Os, Norway
More information about the course (pdf)
Workshop in Writing with Prof. Nina Lykke
Time and place: Wednesday June 7th at Centre for Gender Research, University of Oslo
More information about the workshop (pdf)
Time and place: 7-9 December 2016 at Sundvolden hotel
Registration by: 15 October 2016
The course is organised by the National research School in Gender Studies in collaboration with gender research centers and communities in Norway.
In 2014 the National Research School in Gender Research organised a course on the theoretical positions in current Norwegian gender research and how different scholars use the concept of gender in their own research.
In this year’s course we take this issue one step further and ask: do theoretical positions translate into methodological choices? In what ways and to what extent do theoretical and methodological choices depend on the topic of the research, the research questions, and on the phenomena one wants to grasp? What are the range and limits for different theoretical and methodological approaches? What are different theories and methods suited for, and for what might they be less suitable?
Time: 29. februar - 2. mars 2016
Place: UiT Norges arktiske universitet
Course leader: Hanne Haavind
Medical Imaginaries: Postcoloniality and Gender in the Medical Humanities
Time: 1 June - 2 June 2016
Place: Ida Bloms hus, University of Bergen
Organiser: Centre for Women’s and Gender Research (SKOK) and the School of English and Languages, University of Surrey in co-operation with the University of Cape Town, the University of Witswatersrand, Linköping University and the University of Leeds
More information about courses in 2016 - in Norwegian (pdf)
Gathering for Ph.D. candidates prior to the Gender Research Now! conference
Organiser: the National Research School
Gender Equality and Quality of Life: Policy-making in times of new gender regimes
Organiser: Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University
Climate Imaginaries: Feminist and Queer Perspectives on Thinking Climate Change
Organiser: Centre for Women’s and Gender Research (SKOK), University of Bergen
Modernization, gender and generation - reconfigurations of everyday life. Cases from China and the Nordic countries.
Organiser: Centre for Gender Research at the University of Oslo, The Sino-Nordic Women and Gender Studies Conferences, Nordic Centre at Fudan University, Nordic Institute of Asia Studies at Copenhagen University
Relationality, Subjectivity and Affective Life
Organiser: Centre for Gender Research, University of Oslo
More information on programmes, reading lists and backgrounds for courses in 2015 (Pdf)
Full programme Summer school 2015 (Pdf)
Kjønn, autoritet og makt
Organiser: Institutt for tverrfaglige kulturstudier, NTNU, Trondheim
Differentiated Citizenship: Governing Populations beyond Territorial State Borders
Organiser: Senter for kvinne- og kjønnsforskning, Universitetet i Bergen
Race, Kinship, Migration
Organiser: Senter for kvinne- og kjønnsforskning, Universitetet i Bergen
«Fornemmelse for Kjønn»: Kjønnsforskning og analytiske strategier
Organiser: Kvinnforsk, Universitetet i Tromsø
Allmennkurs 2014: Teoretiske posisjoner i norsk kjønnsforskning
Organiser: Forskerskolen
More information on programmes, reading lists and backgrounds for courses in 2014 (Pdf)
Stipendiatsamling i forbindelse med Kjønnsforskning NÅ!
Organiser: Forskerskolen
Graduate Course: Queer Theory's Foucault
Organiser: Centre for Women's and Gender Research (SKOK), University of Bergen
«Woman as Gift» - Alliance and Gift Exchange Theory Revisited
Organiser: PhD Programme for History of Culture and Religion, Archaeology, Asian and African Studies at the University of Oslo
Theories of Affect
Organiser: Centre for Women’s and Gender Research (SKOK), University of Bergen, Norway
More information on programmes, reading lists and backgrounds for courses in 2013 (Pdf)
Reading list for the course on Queer Theory's Foucault
Critical Race Theory
Organiser: Centre for Women’s and Gender Research (SKOK), University of Bergen, Norway
Kjønnsforskning, vitenskapsteori og metodologi
Organiser: Kvinnforsk i samarbeid med Institutt for sosiologi statsvitenskap og samfunnsplanlegging (ISS), Universitetet i Tromsø
Gender and Mobility
Organiser: Halldis Valestrand, ISS and Siri Gerrard, Kvinnforsk, The University of Tromsø.
More information on programmes, reading lists and backgrounds for courses in 2012 (Pdf)
Reading list for the course on Critical Race Theory
Body images - gender inside/outside
Organiser: NTNU og Det norske universitetssenteret i Paris
Feminism and the Animal
Organiser: Centre for Women's and Gender Researhc (SKOK), University of Bergen
Gender and Arctic Discourses
Organiser: Universitetet i Tromsø
More information on programmes, reading lists and backgrounds for courses in 2011 (Pdf)